The Standing Dragon Sex Position: Unleash Your Inner Beast

Written by: Camilla Jakobsson



Time to read: 9 min

Welcome to the dragon's den, where getting close is a fiery experience. This guide will take you on a magical journey through the Dragon sex positions, including the thrilling Standing Dragon. The Dragon positions are meant to spice up your bedroom adventures.

They're not just about physical pleasure, though; they're also about a deep bond and trust between partners. If you like to try new sex positions or just want to spice up your love life, come learn with us how to do these exciting and rewarding situations.

Mastering the Dragon Sex Position: A Guide to Top Techniques

Finding out about the secret dragon sex position can be a fun way to spice up your sex life. This seductive position is a twist on the back entry. It provides a unique mix of deep penetration, closeness, and pleasure from sight for both partners. 

So, let's work on getting better at this sex position we want. This will make the pleasure for both of us even greater.

To start, you need to know a lot about how to position and move your body to learn any sex position, but especially the dragon sex position. 

Because of its name, this pose looks like the stance of a dragon, which is strong and impressive. First, you need to stand up straight. Most of the time, the person leans forward against a wall or a strong piece of furniture.

This is a great view for getting inside. The giving partner comes in from behind and at an angle, which makes it easy to get close and seductive.

It's very important to talk to each other when trying out a new Standing Oral Sex Position.

Before you get into the dragon position, talk to your partner about how you feel and what you want. You should both be sure you understand this method and are ready to try it. 

Let the talk flow while you're making love. This will give you the most pleasure. The level of difficulty and speed might need to be changed.

For better dragon sex, one of the best things you can do is change the way you move. You can add an intriguing twist to this already exciting form by having the giving partner do more than just stand and thrust. 

They can also roll their hips or gently grind their teeth. This change changes the way you are stimulated and can help you stay awake so the hot times last even longer.

You can also improve clitoral stimulation in a lot of different ways while in this pose. People who give it can either reach down and add self-love or give a hand to ensure the journey is as exciting as its name in mythology. 

People who want to step up their sex life often choose the dragon sex position because it can get very sexy.

When you go to a new sexual place, you should take your time. Don't give up if the dragon sex position doesn't feel good the first time you try it. There may be a few tries before that position is just right, with the right support and comfort. Try different rooms in your house; having so many places where dragons could live will keep things exciting.

The dragon pose is the best for a memorable sex experience. No matter if you're new to different sex positions or a pro who wants to add more fire to their list of moves. 

It's a magical meeting that feels strange and powerful when done right. To sum up, get ready for an exciting trip, and let's kill the dragon together.

A womans silhouette behind glass

Benefits and Tips of the Standing Dragon Sex Position

  • Unique Intensity

- Offers a distinct mix of intensity, closeness, and a sense of danger.

- Provides a chance to enjoy sex from an interesting new angle.

  • Variability and Exploration

- Always changing, allowing partners to explore different angles and depths.

- Allows the penetrating partner to set the pace and explore the range of pleasure.

  • Deeper Penetration and Stimulation 

- Can lead to increased stimulation, especially for the G-spot.

- Provides an opportunity for both partners to find the right rhythm and depth.

  • Physical and Emotional Connection 

- Brings partners closer, making eye contact and fostering a stronger physical connection.

- Emotional tuning and alignment, allowing partners to connect more deeply.

  • Workout and Physical Reward 

- Requires fitness and flexibility, making it physically rewarding.

- Incorporates both sexual satisfaction and physical exertion.

  • Communication and Comfort 

- Open communication about limits, cues, and preferences is important.

- Using pillows or props to ease pressure and make the position more comfortable.

  • Balance and Stability

- Focus on maintaining balance and stability, especially when standing.

- Training near a wall can help improve balance and make movements more exciting.

  • Speed Variation for Enhanced Pleasure

- Experiment with different speeds to find what feels best.

- Slow, controlled movements can lead to a deeper connection and build overwhelming sensations.

Exploring the Standing Dragon Sex Position: Benefits and Tips

Playing around with different positions can help you improve your sexual skills and make intimacy more interesting. One way to do this is in the standing dragon sex position, which offers a unique mix of intensity, closeness, and a sense of danger. 

Some fitness and flexibility are needed to do standing sex positions like the dragon, but the payoff is well worth it for people who want to spice up their passion with some dream flair.

If you're interested in going on this sexual journey, the standing dragon position has one person standing and leaning forward slightly, usually the receiver. You can support yourself with a wall or some strong furniture. 

The other person, who usually gives, stands behind and lines up their body so that it is close together and straight out.

This standing position brings you closer, making you make eye contact and feel more physically connected. Plus, there's always the exciting chance of having sex on the spot, anywhere in your personal area.

A deeper amount of penetration can lead to more stimulation, especially for the G-spot. This is one of the benefits of the standing dragon position. Giving and taking are part of the dance, and the positions can be changed to make it more fun for both people.

In addition, being in this position while standing makes you work out more, which can make the experience not only sexually satisfying but also physically rewarding. Want to try some more exciting things, go for the Swiss Ball Blitz Sex Position or discover the Best Standing Sex Positions.

But remember to always think about comfort and safety to avoid strains or accidents.

Couple hugging on the beach in the sunset

Perfecting Your Position: Techniques for Enhanced Dragon Sex Pleasure

As you learn more about the dragon sex position, it's important to improve your skills so that you and your partner can have the most fun and feel connected. The dragon sex position gives off an air of power and desire, but if done correctly, it can also be a playground of sensual pleasure.

You need to learn a subtle dance of balance, movement, and closeness in this position before you can fully master it. The key is to be in sync with your partner and let your bodies' beat control how hard you work out.

To start this sensual trip, start with the standing dragon sex position, which combines closeness with erotic freedom dynamically. For the standing dragon, the person getting the move must stand with their back straight and their hands on a solid surface, or they can just brace their lower body for strength.

The person giving the move then comes in from behind. This set-up isn't just for greater penetration; it's about being able to see your partner and touch their body whenever you want, which makes the experience better for both of you. Standing is also a good time to whisper dirty words or give light bites to intensify things.

Your method in the dragon sex position is very important if you want to make the experience better. One of the best tips is to change the speed and depth of your thrusts. It's not always about quick victory; sometimes, slow, controlled movements can lead to a deeper connection and let the overwhelming feeling build up.

Also, switching between standing and kneeling behind the dragon position changes the plot of predictability. This gives you more sexual options and keeps your desire alive. In this way, you show that you're not just looking for a short, hot session; you're also a lover who knows how to seduce and please.

Learning dragon sex positions isn't just about getting good at a set of moves; it's also about finding a way to communicate love and lust with each other. By using these tips, combining the different techniques, and paying close attention to both your own and your partner's needs, the dragon sex position goes beyond just being physical. 

Every stroke paints a picture of your relationship, building up to the height of your happiness with your partner. So get into the fire, ride the beats, connect deeply, and let the dragon sex position set off an epic sex journey.

To Sum It Up

The dragon sex positions add an exciting new dimension to your private moments and promise to light up your love life like never before. Whether flying with a standing dragon or diving into its more complicated forms, these movements are good for both of you because they promote pleasure and connection.

Always talk to your partner and do things carefully and with their permission. With the dragon's hot secrets in your head, may your adventures become as famous as the mythical animal!

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What is the Standing Dragon Sex Position?

The Standing Dragon Sex Position is a unique twist on the back entry position, offering a mix of deep penetration, closeness, and visual pleasure for both partners.

How do you perform the Standing Dragon Sex Position?

One person stands and leans forward slightly, usually the receiver, while the other, usually the giver, stands behind and lines up their body close together and straight out. A wall or strong furniture can provide support.

Is the Standing Dragon Sex Position suitable for beginners?

While some fitness and flexibility are needed, beginners can try this position with open communication, patience, and practice. It's important to talk about limits, cues, and preferences before trying the position.

What are the benefits of the Standing Dragon Sex Position?

Benefits include a unique mix of intensity, closeness, and excitement; deeper penetration and stimulation; physical and emotional connection; and physical rewards from the workout.

How can I enhance my experience in the Standing Dragon Sex Position?

You can improve your experience by adjusting speed and depth, incorporating hip rolls and grinding, adding clitoral stimulation, and focusing on balance, movement, and closeness.

Is communication important when trying the Standing Dragon Sex Position?

Yes, communication is crucial. Discussing feelings, desires, and comfort levels with your partner before and during the position can lead to a more enjoyable and satisfying experience for both.

Are there any safety precautions to consider?

Yes, always think about comfort and safety to avoid strains or accidents. Using pillows or props for support, training near a wall, and paying attention to body cues can help make the position safer and more comfortable.

Can the Standing Dragon Sex Position improve my relationship?

Exploring different positions like the Standing Dragon can help improve sexual skills, make intimacy more interesting, and foster deeper connections between partners, potentially enhancing your relationship.

Is the Standing Dragon Sex Position suitable for everyone?

While the position can be enjoyed by many, it may not suit everyone, especially those with physical limitations or discomfort. Listening to your body and communicating openly with your partner is essential.

Portrait image of Camilla Jakobsson .

Camilla Jakobsson

With 30 years of writing experience spanning across multiple niches, my thirst for knowledge knows no bounds. Writing has always been a passion of mine, and I hope one day to become a best-selling author, but for now, my sights are set on the sex industry. I'm grateful to be part of the revolution- to empower women and to free us all from outdated stigmas surrounding female sexual health and desires.


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