Sterilizing Dildos in an Instant Pot: Is It Safe?

Written by: Kassandra Dizon



Time to read: 8 min

Personal cleanliness is very important, especially when it comes to private things. Unclean sex toys can be very bad for your health, so it's important to sterilise them regularly. This piece talks about how important it is to keep things clean, the dangers of using sex toys that haven't been sterilised, and the advantages of sterilisation. Additionally, it explores a modern question: can the Instant Pot be used to sterilize dildos?

Understanding the Risks: Why Sterilization Matters

Bacteria thrive in moist environments, and sex toys provide an ideal breeding ground. Without proper sterilization, these toys become hotbeds for potential health hazards, including infections and even STD transmission. Cross-contamination is also a concern, as bacteria can spread from toy to user and vice versa. Thorough cleaning methods are essential to mitigate these risks effectively.

The Instant Pot Solution: Can the Instant Pot be Used to Sterilize Dildos?

Enter the Instant Pot, a versatile kitchen appliance that revolutionizes sterilization. Its steam sterilization function offers a convenient and efficient way to clean sex toys. The Instant Pot method presents numerous advantages, including time-saving convenience, thorough sterilization, and compatibility with various toy materials.

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Sterilize Dildos in an Instant Pot

Ensuring the safety of using an Instant Pot for sex toy sterilization is essential for maintaining hygiene and preventing potential health risks.

Dildo in a small pink jar

Safe methods to sterilize dildos:

  1. Preparing the Instant Pot for Sterilization: Ensure the Instant Pot is clean and in good working condition. Add water to the pot according to the manufacturer's instructions.

  2. Cleaning and Preparing the Dildos: Wash the dildos with warm water and mild soap. Rinse thoroughly to remove any residue. Pat dry with a clean towel.

  3. Setting up the Instant Pot: Place the clean dildos in a sterilization pouch or wrap them in a clean cloth. Arrange them in the Instant Pot basket, ensuring they are not overcrowded.

  4. Effective Sterilization: Seal the Instant Pot and select the steam sterilization function. Follow the recommended settings and let the Instant Pot work its magic. Once sterilization is complete, carefully remove the dildos and allow them to cool before use.

Safety First: Precautions and Best Practices

soapy sex toys on a pink surface

Prioritize safety when using the Instant Pot for sterilization. Use only toy-safe materials and avoid overcrowding the pot to ensure proper steam circulation. Adhering to recommended settings and guidelines minimizes the risk of accidents or damage to the toys. Here are some key precautions and best practices to keep in mind:

1. Selecting a Safe Instant Pot

Ensure your Instant Pot is in good working condition and free from any damage.

Use a model that includes a steam sterilization function, as this is crucial for effectively cleaning sex toys.

2. Toy-Safe Materials

Before sterilizing your sex toys in an Instant Pot, ensure they are made from materials that can withstand high temperatures and steam.

Silicone, glass, and stainless steel are generally safe materials for use with steam sterilization methods.

Note: Avoid using this method for toys with electronic components or made from porous materials like certain plastics and rubber.

3. Avoid Overcrowding

Do not overcrowd the Instant Pot basket with too many sex toys, as this can impede the circulation of steam and hinder the sterilization process.

Arrange the toys in a single layer, ensuring they have enough space between them for steam to reach all surfaces.

Tip: using a sterilization pouch or a clean cloth to separate them can help achieve this.

4. Recommended Settings

Follow the manufacturer's instructions for using the steam sterilization function on your Instant Pot. Set the Instant Pot to the recommended settings for sterilizing sex toys, typically including a specific temperature and duration for the sterilization cycle.

5. Monitor the Process

Keep an eye on the Instant Pot throughout the sterilization cycle to ensure it operates safely and effectively.

Avoid opening the Instant Pot lid during the sterilization process, as this can release steam and compromise the effectiveness of the cleaning.

Typically, a sterilization cycle can last anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes. It is crucial to follow the manufacturer's instructions for your Instant Pot to ensure effective sterilization.

6. Cooling Period

After the sterilization cycle is complete, allow the Instant Pot and the sterilized sex toys to cool down before handling them.

Carefully remove the toys from the Instant Pot using tongs or oven mitts to avoid burns.

7. Regular Maintenance

Clean and maintain your Instant Pot regularly to ensure its continued effectiveness and safety.

Follow the manufacturer's guidelines for cleaning and maintenance, including descaling the heating element as needed.

Expert Insights: What Professionals Say About Instant Pot Sterilization

Experts in both the adult industry and healthcare fields endorse Instant Pot sterilization as a viable option for cleaning sex toys. Its efficacy and convenience make it a preferred method for many, providing peace of mind regarding hygiene and safety.

Alternative Methods: Comparing Instant Pot Sterilization to Traditional Techniques

While the Instant Pot method offers a modern and efficient approach to sterilizing sex toys, it's important to acknowledge and compare it to traditional techniques that have been used for years. Below, we'll explore some common traditional methods and how they stack up against Instant Pot sterilization: Choosing the right method depends on individual preferences and needs.

Boiling Water

  • Method: Boiling sex toys in water for a specified duration.

  • Effectiveness: Boiling water effectively kills most bacteria and viruses on the surface of sex toys.

  • Pros: Simple and accessible method that requires only water and a pot.

  • Cons: May not be suitable for toys with electronic components or delicate materials. Can be time-consuming and may not reach all areas of the toy.

Toy-Specific Cleaning Solutions:

  • Method: Using specialized cleaning solutions designed for sex toys

  • Effectiveness: Some cleaning solutions are specifically formulated to disinfect sex toys and are effective against a wide range of bacteria and viruses..

  • Pros: Tailored for use with sex toys, ensuring thorough cleaning and disinfection. Safe for use with most toy materials.

  • Cons: Can be expensive compared to other methods. Requires purchasing and storing additional products.


  • Method: Placing sex toys in the dishwasher and running a cleaning cycle.

  • Effectiveness: Dishwashers use hot water and detergent to clean and sanitize dishes, which can also effectively clean sex toys.

  • Pros: Convenient method that requires minimal effort. Effective at removing dirt and bacteria.

  • Cons: Not suitable for all sex toys, especially those with electronic components or delicate materials. May expose toys to harsh detergents or high temperatures.

UV-C Sterilization

  • Method: Using UV-C light to sterilize sex toys.

  • Effectiveness: UV-C light can kill bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens on the surface of sex toys.

  • Pros: Non-chemical method that is safe for most toy materials. Can be quick and efficient.

  • Cons: Requires purchasing a specialized UV-C sterilizer device. May not reach all areas of the toy.

Comparison of Traditional Cleaning vs. Instant Pot Sterilization

When it comes to maintaining the cleanliness and safety of your sex toys, choosing the right sterilization method is crucial. Traditional cleaning methods, such as boiling or using specialized solutions, have been trusted for years. However, the Instant Pot Sterilization offers a modern, convenient alternative.

In this section, we compare these approaches to help you decide the best method for your needs. Additionally, we provide Instant Pot sterilization tips for sex toys.

Traditional Cleaning

Each traditional method offers its own set of advantages and limitations compared to Instant Pot sterilization. While boiling water and dishwasher methods are convenient and accessible, they may not be suitable for all types of sex toys. 

Toy-specific cleaning solutions provide targeted cleaning but may require additional expense. UV-C sterilization offers a chemical-free option but requires a specialized device.

Vs. Instant Pot Sterilization

In contrast, Instant Pot for sex toy hygiene offers a convenient, time-saving, and thorough method for cleaning a wide range of sex toys. Its steam sterilization function effectively kills bacteria and viruses, making it a popular choice among users seeking a modern and efficient cleaning solution. Ultimately, the choice of sterilization method depends on individual preferences, toy materials, and desired level of convenience and effectiveness.

To Wrap It Up: Making Informed Choices for Clean and Safe Intimate Experiences

In conclusion, prioritizing cleanliness and adopting effective sterilization routines are paramount for maintaining a safe and healthy intimate environment. Whether using the Instant Pot or other methods, making informed choices ensures clean and safe experiences, enhancing overall well-being and satisfaction.


Can the Instant Pot be used to sterilize all types of dildos?

The Instant Pot is suitable for sterilizing dildos made from materials that can withstand high temperatures and steam, such as silicone, glass, and stainless steel. It is not recommended for dildos with electronic components or those made from materials that may be damaged by heat.

What are the advantages of using an Instant Pot for sterilizing dildos compared to traditional methods?

The Instant Pot offers several advantages, including time-saving convenience, thorough sterilization, and compatibility with various toy materials. Its steam sterilization function effectively kills bacteria and viruses, making it a modern and efficient cleaning solution.

What safety precautions should I take when sterilizing dildos in an Instant Pot?

Key safety precautions include ensuring your Instant Pot is in good working condition, using toy-safe materials, avoiding overcrowding the pot, following the recommended settings, monitoring the process, allowing for a cooling period, and maintaining the Instant Pot regularly.

How do traditional cleaning methods for sex toys compare to Instant Pot sterilization?

Traditional methods like boiling, using toy-specific cleaning solutions, dishwashing, and UV-C sterilization each have their own pros and cons. Boiling is simple but may not suit all toys, cleaning solutions are effective but can be costly, dishwashing is convenient but may expose toys to harsh conditions, and UV-C sterilization is quick but requires specialized equipment. The Instant Pot offers a comprehensive and modern alternative, balancing convenience and thoroughness.

What should I do if I have concerns about the safety and effectiveness of Instant Pot sterilization?

Addressing common concerns involves debunking myths and clarifying the process. Ensure you follow the guidelines for safe use, and refer to expert insights from the adult industry and healthcare professionals, who endorse Instant Pot sterilization as a reliable method. If uncertainties persist, comparing it with traditional methods can help you make an informed decision.




Portrait of Kassandra Dizon

Kassandra Dizon

Kassandra, an intimate wellness advocate, writes upon her rich well of experience to create informative articles and blogs. Her writing is infused with lived wisdom and personal insights, making it relatable and transformative for women and couples alike.Through her work, Kassandra empowers individuals on their intimate wellness journeys. She sheds light on topics that are often shrouded in silence, fostering open conversations about self-care, relationships, and personal growth.

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